A domain name is the main name of a website. Our domains are carrboro.com and uniqueorn.com, IBM's is ibm.com, Office Depot's is officedepot.com, and so on. It's the address you type in after the http://www., when you're looking for a business on the Internet.

These names are available for use, so if you have a business it would be wise to secure the name. It's has become increasingly inexpensive to secure these names, with the current cost as low as $20 a year. If you paid $35 for your name, you paid too much.

If you would like to see if your business name is available, e-mail us at jackie@carrboro.com. We'll be happy to check for you at no charge, and give you the specifics of securing a name and setting up your site. For more information on domain name prices, click here.

Don't put it off! If you wait too long, the name will be taken! You need to secure your business name on the Internet.

Designing sites for sore eyes since 1997